My first time viewing your work. Very impressive; both the works themselves and your statement about them. I hope to see them in person some day. Love your use of color in this one in particular in addition to the evocative "tensional forces." Also wondering if you might create more with outer space and whether you've already done any involving inner space? (Inner here meaning molecular, atomic, or subatomic phenomena.)
Ruth Lantz, originally from Illinois, received her Masters in Visual Studies from the Pacific Northwest College of Art (PNCA) in Portland OR. She has shown nationally including: The University of Illinois at Chicago, The Pacific Northwest College of Art, “The Lodge Gallery” at Allied Works Architecture, Portland OR; Disjecta, Portland OR; Ditch Projects, Springfield OR; WorkSound, Portland OR; and Swarm Gallery, Oakland CA. Lantz has been a recipient of the CAAP Grant (Community Arts Assistance Program) and she is an adjunct professor at the University of Washington, Vancouver and Portland Community College. She currently lives and practices in Portland, OR.
My first time viewing your work. Very impressive; both the works themselves and your statement about them. I hope to see them in person some day. Love your use of color in this one in particular in addition to the evocative "tensional forces." Also wondering if you might create more with outer space and whether you've already done any involving inner space? (Inner here meaning molecular, atomic, or subatomic phenomena.)